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A Message from President Hamada

Satoshi Hamada

President of JBAH & JBA Houston Foundation

I am Satoshi Hamada from Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas). I have succeeded Mr. Ishikawa as President of the Japan Business Association of Houston (JBAH) from October 2024. I would like to express my heartfelt respect and deep appreciation for Mr. Ishikawa's efforts and contributions to JBAH activities. I would also like to work hard to further expand the good relationships with the Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH) and the Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) which Mr. Ishikawa has built.

I came to Houston at the end of March from Japan. This is my third assignment working  in the United States, following assignments in Los Angeles and Boston. Each time I have lived in the United States, I have felt the unique characteristics of each place. This time I feel more than ever the strength of the country’s dynamism backed by the evolution of digital technology and population growth.

Here in the Houston region, the population growth and the influx of businesses from out of state are impressive. Similar to my company, the number of Japanese expatriates in Houston has surpassed New York, and the importance of our business activities is increasing in Houston. I learned that the latest number of registered JBAH member companies has reached 115 with a total of 955 individual members, which is about an increase of 170 from the pre-COVID-19 level. This proves the fact that each company is strengthening its business activities in Houston.  “Partnership,”“ Friendship, ” and “For the Next Generation ” are our three activity objectives. To realize these objectives, I would like to work hard to contribute to the business activities of all participating members with the assistance of the Consulate-General of Japan. I greatly appreciate your continuous support to grow together in Houston.



October 1st, 2024


(C) 2020  by Japan Business Association of Houston 

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